#7 Temperaments

 #7 Temperaments

I. Choleric

II. Melancholic

III. Phlegmatic

IV. Sanguine

Important diagram: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/803486679436361728/813263346362482748/98e37cbc1800724a9e4a7dc41dc44592.png?width=944&height=944

CHOLERIC: driven by the need to get results

MELANCHOLIC: driven by the need to do things right

PHLEGMATIC: driven by the need to accommodate others

SANGUINE: driven by the need to be accepted socially

Choleric/Anger: Results-oriented.

Melancholic/Sad: Details-oriented.

Phlegmatic/Calm: Needs-oriented.

Sanguine/Happiness: People-oriented.



- ambitious, passionate, leader-like, focused, efficient, practical, good at planning, good at problem solving, confident, motivating, a delegator, usually right, great in an emergency


- aggressive, domineering, inflexible, impatient, rude and tactless, argumentative, unable to relax, uncomfortable around emotion, low on empathy, discouraged by failures, too busy for people, intolerant, a leader who demands loyalty



- thoughtful, considerate, cautious, organized, an excessive planner, schedule oriented, detailed, highly creative in poetry, art, and invention, independent, good at preventing problems


- obsessive, too cautious, prone to depression, prone to moodiness, perfectionistic, pessimistic, difficult to please, deeply affected by tragedy, a person with tunnel vision, sometimes a procrastinator, discontent with themselves and others, prone to play the martyr



- relaxed, quiet and calm, content with themselves, kind, consistent, a steady and faithful friend, accepting, affectionate, diplomatic, peacemaking, rational, curious, observant, an easy friend maker


- sometimes shy, fearful of change, prone to laziness, stubborn, passive-aggressive, indecisive, permissive, not goal oriented, unenthusiastic, too compromising, undisciplined, sarcastic, discouraging, non-participative



- sociable, charismatic, outgoing, confident, warm-hearted, pleasant, lively, optimistic, a fun lover, spontaneous, a preventer of dull moments, a quick apologizer, an easy friend maker


- impulsive, chronically late, shameless, forgetful, a compulsive talker, too loud, sometimes too happy, distractible, not interested in following through with tasks that are boring, self-absorbed, an exaggerator, someone who appears unauthentic



outgoing, pragmatic, optimistic, lively, motivated, enthusiastic, confident, active, dynamic, agile, playful, leaders, ambitious, determined, enterprising, visionary, bold, dominant, unhibited, courageous, independent, resistant, seductive, smart, practical, sincere, spontaneous, they have attitude, they have a lot of willpower, they like challenges and competitions, they like and need movement, they influence others, they want power, status and freedom.


aggressive, dominant, impulsive, tough, vengeful, inopportune, arrogant, reckless, unstable, tyrants, authoritarian, severe, rigid, stubborn, intolerant, impatient, nervous, hate details, proud, demanding, extremists, restless, rude, sarcastic, selfish insensitive, lack empathy.



ambitious, calculating, attends to details, analytical, intellectual, studious, logical, prudent, dutiful, conscientious, cautious, resistant, organized, focused, stable, dedicated, sensitive, independent, persistent, hardworking, deep thinkers.


timid, serious, not social, lonely, controlling, critical, cynical, indifferent, distant, stubborn, slow, discouraged, envious, perfectionists, insecure, sad, moody, pessimistic, fearful, suspicious, inflexible, rigid, spiteful, anxious, obsessive, have depressive tendencies.



extremely patient, stable, constant, affectionate, creative, artistic, soothing, sensitive, romantic, dedicated, stoic, contemplative, studious, profound, flexible, peaceful, calm, gentle, impartial, reflective, understanding, obedient, careful, reliable, kind, cautious, observant, methodical, react to facts in a neutral and firm way, have emotional control, empathetic, helpful, good listeners.


timid, codependent, sedentary, gullible, passive, cowardly, fearful, lazy, emotionally fickle, submissive, conformed, slow, homely, unsociable, indecisive, influential, conservative, indifferent, demotivated, expressionless, don't know how to deal with confrontation, dislike change.



outgoing, lively, sociable, friendly, sympathetic, amusing, agile, communicative, pleasant, optimistic, cheerful, generous, kind, gentle, peacemakers, modest, tolerant, liberal, convincing, curious, expressive, spontaneous, understanding, pious, flexible, smart, learn quickly, have empathy, like news.


irresponsible, futile, superficial, unstable, distracted, hedonistic, materialistic, disorganized, reckless, impulsive, undisciplined, anxious, impatient, carefree, talks too much, loses interest quickly, don't finish what they start, do everything to please (exaggeratedly).

HISTORY: Four Temperaments is a theory of psychology that stems from the ancient concept of four humors (humorism).Temperament theory has its roots in the ancient four humors theory of the Greek Historian Hippocrates (460-370 BC), who believed certain human behaviors were caused by body fluids (called "humors"): blood, [yellow] bile, black bile, and phlegm.

the 4 PRIMARY temperaments: https://fourtemperaments.com/4-primary-temperaments/

BLENDS (combo of 2): https://fourtemperaments.com/15-temperament-blends/



"Cholerics are the task-oriented extroverts, whose main subconscious motive is “to lead”. They are described as independent, decisive, goal-oriented, and ambitious. These people are simply pre-programmed to achieve, to get things done and to just make their point. These combined with their dominant, result-oriented outlook make them natural leaders. This temperament’s main weakness is anger."


"They tend to be less excitable and sociable than the chol-san. They are the most task-oriented of all the temperament blends, and work to the bone to achieve their goals. Chol-mels may be ambiverted i.e. able to handle being around people, but can enjoy solitude. They may be pickier than the chol-san about the company they choose, finding work easier than play. They are often argumentative, but they are more likely to dominate an argument with both force and fact, than explode openly only to falter over something they have not thought through. Despite this, chol-mels may be emotional and insecure inside, but may not find it easy to show it. If they are your friend, they may show they care through actions, rather than communication. They can be fiercely devoted to causes close to their heart, and are unlikely to ever waver in defending them."


"The quietest of the choleric blends, these people tend to be the “firm but fair” types. They are tough, but fairly laid-back. Being a blend of opposite temperaments means, in this case, that their temperaments meet in the middle somewhere. They tend to be very unemotional, and may be at a loss when someone cries, for example. Chol-phlegs are often very stubborn, but this tends to show in how they calmly carry on as they are rather than blow up when opposed. Although they may often feel angry, they may see losing their temper as a weakness, expressing themselves with a scowl or sarcastic remark instead.Because of this, chol-phlegs may not come across as choleric, yet they do have a natural “dominant” streak, which tends to emerge in everyday conversation or group activities."


"Generally the “alpha” girl/guy within a large group of friends. Excitable and short fused, they may be the life of the party and leader of the gang. They usually like to be around people, particularly people who can live up to their need for action and excitement – as long as those people don’t get in their way. They are quick to act and speak; the choleric’s drive to achieve, combined with the easy openness of the sanguine can make the chol-san* prone to losing their temper and arguing openly without thinking through what they are saying. They are fairly open with their emotions, but less so when it could expose weakness."


"Melancholic individuals tend to be analytical and detail-oriented, and they are deep thinkers and feelers. They are introverted and try to avoid being singled out in a crowd. A melancholic personality leads to self-reliant individuals who are thoughtful, reserved, and often anxious. They often strive for perfection within themselves and their surroundings, which leads to tidy and detail-oriented behavior." These people are the most uncomfortable around other people – their motive is “perfection”, which leads to them being discontented by their own and others’ shortcomings. Melancholics may be life’s thinkers, and are more analytical and introspective than most. This can lead to them being emotionally intelligent with a deep understanding of themselves, but it does mean they are more prone to dwelling on the negatives, which at worst can lead to a long-lasting dislike of themselves and/or anyone else. Their perfectionism often means that they are studious and highly skilled in their area of expertise. As friends, they may be hard to bond with, but their depth and their serious, careful approach could make them the longest lasting."


"Like the mel-phleg blend, mel-chols tend to be introverted and pessimistic. They are often very hardworking, due to the perfectionistic nature of the melancholic with a hint of the choleric’s drive. This combination may also affect their relationships with people; they may be a reliable and dedicated friend to those closest to them, while prone to holding a grudge against others. They may come across as blunt and confident when interacting with people, but are often deeply insecure inside. As with the choleric-melancholic, they may find tasks easier than people."


"usually the most introverted blend, these people are the sort who genuinely appreciate the deeper things in life, be it art, literature, music or reflection on everyday life. Though they are usually inoffensive towards people, they are often inclined to see the negative side of both others and themselves. This stems from the melancholic tendency towards perfectionism – they may set high standards only to be upset when they, or others, don’t meet them. This, combined with their introversion, can lead to a lot of insecurity and a real struggle to connect with people. Because they are very analytical, mel-phlegs tend to have a deep understanding of themselves and their emotions, and may spend a lot of time in introspection Although they are shy around people, they will be deeply loyal to those whom they do develop a connection with, as they are often very devoted to anything close to their hearts. They are very emotionally sensitive, which may be a double edged sword – it can be very hard for them to take criticism, but in a bad situation, they would probably genuinely feel for those affected."


"being the most introverted, analytical temperament backed up by the most extroverted and fun-loving, this blend can make for a very complex character indeed. You’ve probably met someone who seems really friendly and warm, yet is picky about how much they socialise, when and with whom? They can make good performers, because of their hardworking nature and their willingness to show off their skills to others. They are also less likely than the sanguine-melancholic to juggle with lots of activities all at once, perfecting one or a few skills at a time, rather than displaying a range of abilities not fully developed. Mel-sans are a blend of the two most emotional temperaments. They may be an emotional rollercoaster – when high, they may be very high, yet if anything upsets them, they may plummet to despair and depression. At their worst, they can be prone to blowing things out of proportion, becoming highly emotional about their problems. In a less negative sense, this can show in how they talk. For example, they could be very expressive in their use of language and be openly affectionate towards their friends, while exaggerating any bad news – about themselves or others – that they have to bear"


"A people-oriented introvert, a phlegmatic person’s main inclination is inoffensiveness. They are the low-key types who sometimes have the most trouble standing out; this is more due to their quiet, “slow but steady” approach to life, rather than lack of any ability. Phlegmatics are the slowest to show emotion, because they can take a while to experience it and don’t express themselves naturally anyway. They can be slow to get moving, but they usually do what’s expected of them because this is easier than risking making a mistake and causing trouble. This may show in their relationships with others: they may not be the most dynamic company, but they are gentle and dependable, if their slow and hesitant nature doesn’t cause exasperation"


"In fiction, this blend often fits the “Average Joe” type character who somehow always proves their worth when pushed into the spotlight. They are quiet and unassuming, and like to keep to themselves. They are also the most stubborn of the phlegmatic blends, but are very unlikely to blow up in anger. If they ever get angry, they’d be more likely to show it with sarcasm or cold silences than rage. They might be slow to back down in a confrontation, but rarely, if ever, start one. Phleg-chols tend to be fairly unemotional, and are slow and steady in their ways. If faced with undesired change, they may resist it, rather than go with it just to please, or try it before losing interest. Despite this, phleg-chols can be effective leaders or workers when pushed, as they are steady and competent and aren’t easily worried. They might not like being pushed out of their comfort zone, but usually don’t struggle to deal with it when it happens. They may be level-headed, and are often a calming influence on others, whilst not getting impatient or too emotionally involved with people."


"Phlegmatic-melancholic: quiet and thoughtful, these people tend to be introverts, but perhaps more people focused than the reverse blend. They are gentle and inoffensive and often hate conflict, due to the peaceful nature of the phlegmatic and the sensitive perfectionism of the melancholic. These two sides to their personality may sometimes conflict with each other. This can mean the difference between being slow to go through with a task and wanting to do it properly. Similarly, phleg-mels can have similar issues with expressing their opinions, as they may want to be heard yet not want to risk offending. It’s not that they don’t have emotions or opinions, its just that they can be slow to experience them and even slower to voice them. Phleg-mels can be very easy-going about some things and surprisingly over-sensitive about others. If hurt by someone, they may be offended if the other person is wrong or have a crisis in confidence if the other person is right. They may feel uncomfortable with change, with their main motivation towards it being that it’s the right thing to do. For some, they may not be the most fun, exciting company to have, but they are usually kind and reliable, and are content to just listen to others when needed."


"The laid-back, friendly types that most people seem to have in their lives. Phleg-sans tend to be well liked because they are gentle and friendly without being too “in-your-face”. They are the sort of people who seem content with lots of friends or just a few. They can be quick to move on from people no longer in their lives, but also have no trouble welcoming them back. They might not necessarily strive for deep connections with others but are usually happy to be there for people who need them. They are good natured and calm, and fairly adaptable when it comes to people. They are quieter than the sanguine dominant blends; people may come to them rather than the other way around. However, their combination of inoffensiveness and friendliness may mean that they are more approachable than the other phlegmatic blends. Phleg-sans can be sensitive and insecure, but may just shrug off -or hide – negative emotions, except in a serious crisis. They may struggle with productivity at times, being slow to get started then being easily distracted by anything more interesting. Though they can be quiet, they like social events, and aren’t prone to either hogging the spotlight or lurking in the background."


"the super-extroverted, people-oriented sanguine temperament, who love to socialise and have fun. Sanguines tend to be more extroverted and enjoy being part of a crowd; they find that being social, outgoing, and charismatic is easy to accomplish. Sanguines are arguably the easiest temperament to identify, simply because they tend to be outgoing, open and very quick to make friends. They are generally friendly and excitable – they can gain and lose interest in anything at the drop of a hat. Sanguine personality type is described primarily as being highly talkative, enthusiastic, active, and social. Individuals with this personality have a hard time doing nothing and engage in more risk seeking behavior."


"Possibly the most super-extroverted of all the blends, san-chols can seem like they are always on the go. They are often the first to speak up in a group of people, and like to talk incessantly. They are very open with their emotions, which tend to be explosive but usually brief. They tend to speak before they think, dislike being ignored and can seem impatient, yet don’t dwell on negatives. This means that you can find yourself thinking you have annoyed them, only to be confused when they genuinely seem to have moved on."


"Being a blend of opposites, these people can come across as being all over the place! San-mels often have unpredictable emotions – they are friendly and people oriented, yet can suddenly give way to negativity before bouncing back as if nothing happened. They may thrive on attention due to insecurity and tend to (directly or indirectly) share their problems with others. Being so emotional means that they care about others’ joys and sorrows but also that their approach to them may vary."


"An easy blend to recognise, as these are the friendly, bubbly, optimistic types who live in the moment and like to have fun. These people like attention, but if ignored are more likely to be disappointed than angry. They get bored quickly, particularly when alone, and tend to prefer casual, fun activities to those that require depth and precision. Although they don’t necessarily strive to dominate interaction with others, they will happily take the spotlight if it is given to them. They like to entertain, and are usually considerate of others when doing so."

Another further notion regarding the Four Temperament Blends by the functions attitude.

D - Choleric: Te, Se

I - Sanguine: Ne, Fe

S - Phlegmatic: Ti, Fi

C - Melancholic: Ni, Si

Choleric-Sanguine: ExxP

Choleric-Phlegmatic: xxTP

Choleric-Melancholic: ExTJ

Sanguine-Choleric: ExxP

Sanguine-Melancholic: xNFx

Sanguine-Phlegmatic: xNxx

Phlegmatic-Choleric: xSxP

Phlegmatic-Sanguine: xNxP

Phlegmatic-Melancholic: IxxJ

Phlegmatic-Melancholic-Choleric: IxxP

Melancholic-Choleric: IxTJ

Melancholic-Sanguine: xxFJ

Melancholic-Phlegmatic: IxxJ

Melancholic-Phlegmatic-Choleric: IxFJ

**Gut Triad:

**1 = Melancholic

8 = Choleric

9 = Phlegmatic

**Heart Triad:

**3 = Choleric (mostly), Sanguine

2 = Phlegmatic or Sanguine (depending on cognitive orientation)

4 = Melancholic

both Sanguine and Phlegmatic are described as People-Oriented, then both work for 2

**Head Triad:

**6 = all

5 = Phlegmatic or Melancholic

7 = Sanguine or Choleric

wings and instincts will strongly influence, but i preferred to do without it for this time. i did trying to type the basic types.

**Melancholic** is driven by the perfection, it consists:

- High Neuroticism

- High Conscientiousness

- Low Extroversion

**Phlegmatic** is driven by the accommodation, it consists:

- High Agreeableness

- Low Neuroticism

- Low Extroversion

**Choleric** is driven by the anger, it consists:

- High Extraversion

- High Conscientiousness

- Low Agreeableness

**Sanguine** is driven by the happiness, it consists:

- High Extroversion

- High Openness

- Low Conscientiousness

N.B.: While this might be true, keep in mind that there are a sort of alibis that might twist the congruity of this correlation and temperament blends is a fluid system.

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