#5 SLOAN / Big Five I. SLOAN a. SLOAN Descriptions II. Big Five __I. Big 5 (SLOAN)__ Introduction: https://similarminds.com/sloan.html Big 5 is rather simple and only focuses on dichotomies. Big 5 types can also change over time, according to the theory. So Big 5 types aren't really something that analyzes you in a broad life-long context like many other typology systems, but instead works more in the moment to assess your current tendencies in 5 areas. Social or Reserved Limbic or Calm Organized or Unstructured Accommodating or Egocentric Non-curious or Inquisitive ||= Primary type //= Secondary type B (uppercase) = High preference b (lowercase) = Mild preference -B- = 75% x = Mid-range Global 5 Primary Type Descriptions https://similarminds.com/global5/social.html Extroversion - Social and Reserved type --Social types feel at ease interacting with to others --Reserved types are uncomfortable and/or disinterested with social interaction Emotional Stability - Limbic and Calm type ...
#6 Attitudinal Psyche I. Aspects [Volition, Logic, Physics, Emotion] II. Attitudes: 1: Confident ; 2: Flexible ; 3: Insecure ; 4: Unconcerned III. Type Descriptions IV. Aspect Descriptions a. Socionics correlation Test: https://www.attitudinalpsyche.com/take-the-test/ __I. Aspects__ Volition ; Logic ; Physics ; Emotion Each letter means a different trait and the position means the force with which it is applied, as with functions. It’s similar. The last position means difficulty (you suck at it) the third can improve and the first two are good. __V- Volition:__ means adaptability, how willing you are to get out of your comfort zone and how good you are at improvising, changing or how much energy do you have to get out of your safe places and explore another mental routes that you may not be used to, etc. The attitude towards decisions, activation energy, willpower, planning, personal direction, goals, responsibilities, control, authority, obligations, and esteem. __L - Logic:__ we...
#3 Instinctual Variants Table of Contents I. Basic Information II. IV Combos III. The 3 Instincts a. Self-Preservation b. Social c. Sexual d. Blindspots IV. Subtypes __I. Basic Information__ IVs describe the strongest instinctual need for an individual and areas of focus in one's life, and the ordering indicates the degrees/strength/extent of focus from greatest to least (ex. sx/sp would be sx > sp > so). An instinctual variant stacking operates in a way where the dominant instinct and needs would come first and foremost and the secondary instinct needs would be of second greatest strength and focus. Because this is the case, these IV instincts would not be evenly distributed per fix or per mai...