Linear=singular and direct train of thoughts
Lateral=multiple and complex train of thoughts
Lexical=you try to find words for everything and like things to be logical and coherent
Impressionist=you don’t really give that much about definitions, your feelings and experiences can’t accurately be worded out
-Linearity refers to how linear the thoughts in your head are. An extremely linear thinker only has a single train of thought at any given time, and communicates in very straightforward ways;
-While a non-linear or lateral thinker will have multiple trains of thought at any given time and tend to communicate in more jumbled or indirect ways.
-Lexicality refers to how much a person’s understanding depends on the ability to codify ideas using specific language. A lexical thinker will only understand things which they can put into words, refusing to acknowledge understandings which haven’t been codified.
-Non-lexical or impressionistic thinkers on the other hand might understand things, but struggle to put them into words and find other methods of communication preferable.
Piney Resources
Wise Squire
3 months ago
Neurotyping Descriptions